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Josh454 次查看[Automatic restore from previous gallery]
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(5 个评分)
Terranigma pormotional: Rio1659 次查看[Automatic restore from previous gallery]
If this is your image, claim ownership by sending a PM to eFlare

(7 个评分)
Doctor586 次查看[Automatic restore from previous gallery]
If this is your image, claim ownership by sending a PM to eFlare

(7 个评分)
Hamlet...967 次查看Kara: Hamlet... Why are you looking me so sad? Like if we were going to separate soon. A-a-a-ah! Hamlet! Hamlet!

Will: Hamlet... Why?

Erik: Poor Hamlet... To eat or not to eat?

A familiar voice sounded in their heads: Listen you all. Hamlet wanted to become food for all this people. A pig can save many villagers...

(9 个评分)
To the drift1033 次查看Will and Kara in the raft scene.

Kara: The stars are precious... If I was higher I could touch them. I'm sure Lilly and Lance are also looking this starred sky... If I could talk with the stars I would know where they are...

It seems to be one more star near from the Cygnus constellation. Yes, that red star. Should we request a wish to the star? I have a feeling that it will become reality. Will, close your eyes.

Will: I request for the security of everyone, and for my father...

(15 个评分)
Rebirth of a Hero1056 次查看Will transforms his soul into a silent and deadly swordsman. First chance to play as Freedan instead of Will.
(8 个评分)
Contest.mid530 次查看Contest theme from Terranigma
(4 个评分)
Beruga Concept1169 次查看Preliminary sketches by Kamui Fujiwara.

Maybe he would have been cool as an evil butler...

(2 个评分)
The Nintendo Power Illusion of Gaia Pack488 次查看Can be found on ebay, but might be expensive. It comes with a collector's T-shirt and a copy of the game.
(2 个评分)
DSC00039770 次查看
(9 个评分)
Terra Earth Adventures576 次查看The fanfiction that started it all. My first fanfiction and the one that will go down in TE: History as the most memorable. Originally designed as a challenge to max out the post character maximum, it become one of my most beloved posts of all time.
(7 个评分)
Before538 次查看
(7 个评分)
189 张图片,共 16 页 4