Congratulations to Robert Martin by finding all 13 eggs hidden across the TerraEarth website. He has won an official TerraEarth t-shirt. Thank you to all who participated in the egg hunt!
Archive for April, 2012
The Hunt Begins
Sunday, April 8th, 2012 by boxxlemanThe egg hunt is officially underway. There are a total of 13 eggs hidden across all the main sections of TerraEarth. The first one to find them all wins a TerraEarth t-shirt! Please read the previous post for the official rules. Here is a guide to know what each egg looks like:
These eggs will be found mixed in with text and images within the Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma, and Extra sections of TerraEarth. The hunt will end in approximately 24 hours. Please post your detailed findings on the TerraEarth Facebook page. Good luck!
Easter Egg Hunt
Friday, April 6th, 2012 by boxxlemanWe’ve decided to celebrate Easter a special way this year at TerraEarth. This Easter Sunday (April 8th), TerraEarth will be having its first ever TerraEarth Easter Egg Hunt. There will 12 eggs hidden across the TerraEarth website, plus a special Golden Egg that you must find. The first person to find all 13 eggs will receive an official TerraEarth t-shirt of their choice!
In order to officially participate and win the t-shirt, you must:
1. “Like” TerraEarth on Facebook.
2. Post your findings for all 13 eggs on the TerraEarth Facebook page. Be sure to include the page you found it on and the exact location of where it is on the given page.
Listed below are the official conditions of the Easter Egg Hunt:
1. The hunt will begin at 12:00AM EST on April 8th, 2012 and run for 24 hours.
2. The eggs will be generally small in size, and can be found on any main section page of TerraEarth. This includes any pages within the Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma and Extra sections. Eggs will NOT be found inside the Store, Forums, Gallery, or Comic pages. The eggs can be inside pictures, text, or any other possible way to fit a small image of an egg into a website.
3. The first person to post the correct locations for all 13 eggs on the TerraEarth Facebook page will be the winner of the t-shirt.
If you are serious about participating, be sure to clear your cache before you begin the hunt! This way, you won’t have any problems with the eggs showing up for you. Another message will be posted on the main page of TerraEarth upon the official start time of the hunt. Good luck!