Archive for 2011

Terranigma Rumors

Saturday, October 29th, 2011 by boxxleman

We have recently recieved some new Terranigma Rumors sent into us from De Narm, so you might want to check that out. Remember, if you have any Trilogy content that you think could be a nice addition to TerraEarth, please contact us. Everyone have a happy and safe Halloween weekend!

TerraEarth Store

Wednesday, June 15th, 2011 by eFlare

For those of you who want to look cool in some TerraEarth gear, the TerraEarth Store is back! Slap a TerraEarth logo on your body or be the coolest guy in the office with Ark on your coffee mug. A nice way to support TerraEarth, as the profits of this store all get invested back in to TerraEarth, such as paying for the hosting.

More products will come but, of course we can’t put official artwork and logos on stuff so, we’re working on new artwork made from scratch. If you want to contribute, surely you can! Send boxxleman or me a message and we’ll surely figure something out.

Come on and check out the TerraEarth Store!

Bigger is Better

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011 by boxxleman

Some of you may have wondered why TerraEarth has always been so “small” in width. It was especially noticeable on higher resolution screens. Well, we decided to fix that. TerraEarth now sits at around 960 pixels in width, over 150 pixels larger! Hopefully this will help people who have large resolutions navigate the site better.

New Comic

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011 by boxxleman

It’s here! The second TerraEarth Comic has been released today. Please show your support of the comic by leaving us feedback on the comic page. If you would like to talk about the TerraEarth Comic, please visit the comic’s forum. Also, the first comic has been tweaked a little bit. Some of the graphics are more clear now.

Facebook and Twitter

Thursday, May 26th, 2011 by boxxleman

Want the latest updates to TerraEarth? Then like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter! You will receive the latest updates concerning the TerraEarth website and the TerraEarth Comic.